Pest Control Treatment
Free inspections for homeowners!Sun Lakes Pest Control- Pest Control with us will help you to Never think about pests again with complete extermination & prevention solutions. Sun Lakes Pest Control is trusted by Valley residents for 20 yrs. Schedule an inspection! Then schedule your pest treatment.

Bug Profiles
Subterranean Termites are common in Chandler and Sun Lakes, Arizona, and are found underground with clear or light-colored bodies that live in colonies from 500,000 to millions and feed on wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal dung. You can identify a Termite trail by the mud tubes they create that lead from the ground up or hang from the ceiling. Termites can cause costly damage to structures and furnishings and should be treated immediately. Active times are September to December and March through June. Dry Wood Termites have a smaller colony, only about 3,000 to 5,000, with a smaller body size. Dry Wood Termites can live inside the walls of a home. They do not create mud tubes nor do they have to return to the soil. This makes Dry Wood Termites harder to find and more difficult to control.
The most common Scorpion in the residential area of Chandler, Ocotillo, and Sun Lakes is the Bark Scorpion. All types have poisonous stingers on their tail and measure about 2 ½” to 3″, thin, with a light brown to clear body. You can find Scorpions at night with the use of a UV black light. All species of Scorpions GLOW under black light. Scorpions feed on crawling insects, crickets, and cockroaches and are prevalent in and around residences that have been built on former fruit orchards. Bark Scorpions live in palm trees, under rocks, wood piles, and on the bark of Mesquite, Cottonwood, and Sycamore trees. The active season is March through October. While most scorpions are solitary, the Arizona Bark Scorpion will congregate in groups of up to 20-30. All Scorpions are capable of climbing rough surface walls and hanging upside down.
A sting is very painful often resulting in tingling, and numbness and lasting 24-72 hours. In 2011 Anascorp was approved as an anti-venom. It is recommended that you seek medical attention if stung and call Sun Lakes Pest Control for the pest control treatment.
While we need bees to aid in the pollination of plants and flowers, a beehive in or on your home is not to be taken lightly. If left to grow it can become very costly to remove and dangerous. Many people are severely allergic to bee stings and can require emergency care if stung. Beehives can be found in walls, under eaves, in barbeques, in trees, and in the ground. The state of Arizona was officially declared infected with Africanized Bees (The Killer Bee) back in the 1990s. Most wild hives which invade homes in Chandler and Sun Lakes, AZ are Africanized and very aggressive.

There are about 10 common species that invade homes in Chandler and Sun Lakes, Arizona, the native fire ant will bite and sting when disturbed.
Only ½” to 1″ long, these nocturnal insects like dry hot areas like Chandler and Sun Lakes, AZ to live and hide, feeding on paper and glue used to make books and boxes or in textiles. Many times these pests are found in new homes because they are brought in moving boxes. Earwigs, House Centipedes, and Spiders feed on Silverfish.

A long, flat, wormlike creature, measuring 1/2″ to 4″ they feed on other smaller insects and are found in leaf piles, and under other areas in Chandler and Sun Lakes, AZ where they feel protected. The Centipede is known to have a painful bite that may result in swelling, fever, and chills. Its needle-like legs can leave marks and become infected.

Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion
Found in the undeveloped areas of the Arizona Desert, the Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion is 3″-4″ in length, yellow in color with a dark top, lobster-like pinchers, and has a stinger that is larger but less potent than the Bark Scorpion. It is a burrowing scorpion found near Chandler and Sun Lakes, AZ in washes and feeds on large insects, spiders, lizards, and snakes.

These common outdoor pests live under rocks, patio concrete and in sewers. As small as ½” and large as 3″ when mature. Infestations occur when food crumbs and filth persist. Sometimes they are mistakenly called large water bugs. There are 3 main types of roaches in Chandler and Sun Lakes, Arizona, they are the American Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, and German Cockroach.

Black Widow
This poisonous spider has a distinctive red hourglass shape on the underside of her abdomen. Black Widows hide in dry areas around Chandler and Sun Lakes and make a messy web, which crackles like static when the webs are being removed. You will find them after sunset, in corners, behind appliances, and in other areas where they can remain undisturbed.
The best pest control in Sunlakes and surrounding areas
What Should You Expect?
- The pest control technician arrives within the allotted time. The technician speaks with the homeowner if they plan to be there for the service. We explain the service and find areas of concern.
- We remove cobwebs from the front and back patios. We check for items like pet food dishes and shoes on the patios, so we can place them out of the way.
- We power spray the exterior of the structure for maximum pest control. We spray the perimeter approximately 3 feet up the side of the building and 7 feet out from the base of the foundation. We focus on joints or cracks along the foundation and the concrete patios so we concentrate on them. The spray goes down into the joint and stays effective for a longer time. We avoid overspray on windows and patio doors. We also Power spray at the base of plants throughout the yard. Large Boulders and River rock over 4” in size are sprayed. These larger stones are excellent hiding areas for crawling pests.
- We treat the inside of garages with the hand can and check with the customer to confirm that they want pest control treatment in the garage.
- If customer requests inside pest control service it will consist of treatment with the hand can. Working inside requires limited treatment. Underneath the large appliances in the kitchen and laundry rooms. Behind the toilets and at baseboard areas in bathrooms and kitchen. Under and behind furniture (couches, chairs, dressers, hutches). We never spray over any personal effects in cabinets. Never spray into sinks or bathtubs. Never spray over tile or wood flooring.
- We will leave a service slip/bill at the property. You can pay at the time of service with a check or cash, or if you would like to pay by credit card by clicking the “Pay Bill” button on this page.
Proud Member

National Pest Management Association

Arizona Pest Professional Organization

Monday – Thursday 7 Am -4 Pm
Friday 7 Am – 3 Pm